About ADS
ADS is short for Adaptive Damping System (german Adaptiv Dämpfung System). It is a hydraulic operated and electronically controlled system. It covers two functions. Constant vehicle level regardless of load and variable electronic control of suspension damping.
This website comprises information that I sourced over many other sites so I cannot give credits to all people who helped me understand the system.
How I get an Iron
Why Iron? In Czech republic, we do have many nicknames for Mercedes Benz vehicles. It is not usual for other brands but for MB is. So R129 is called here "žehlička" which means clothes iron. W140 was called Mammoth probably for its bulkiness. W123 is called piano for its trunk lid mimicking piano keyboard closure. Then there are others where the nickname is not so obvious W126 is called "Chinamen", W210 is "big fly" and w124 "plastic" for its Saco boards.
In the year 2017 I started to think to bring to my garage some youngtimer. I wanted definitely coupe and at best something Italian. Over the time I started to love one coupe. It is not Italian by any means - C123.
I was seeing one excellent example. The guy did not have battery charged and no licence plates. So I cannot drive the car even I was asking him before my arrival. At the same time very close to my home was for a sale R129 announced as in perfect condition. So I went there just for my curiosity. The car was nice but what strikes me was the feeling when I sat in and drive it.
It was much more compelling than C123 and as a bonus roadster. I was caught and only issue with a car was ADS which did not show MIL but obviously was not working. After the first visit I tried to digest most of the info available and decide to proceed with the purchase.